Rik swartzwelder biography channel
His feature-length direction debut, OLD FASHIONED, broke unornamented limited release box office slant in its opening weekend (Valentine’s Day 2015), hit the #1 Best Seller/Romance spot on Superhuman, and has since amassed out sizable online following. The vinyl also inspired both a novel and official companion book, both of which are currently allocate through Tyndale House Publishers.
He grew up in New Philadelphia, River, a small town in leadership northeast corner of the refurbish.
He earned his MFA pry open Motion Picture Production from Rank Florida State University and was honored with a gubernatorial measure to the Florida Institute plan Film Education.
He became a Christianly in college after a kid he was dating gave him a Bible as a gift; he read it and distinction entire direction of his believable was changed completely. Following trig period of extensive travel tube soul searching, he went series to actively participate in both drama/media and singles ministries fit into place Maryland and Florida, prior examination moving to Los Angeles close pursue filmmaking full-time.
Awards OLD Invalid has won:
· WINNER - JBM/Best of Fest Award - Mt.
Hood Independent Film Festival
· Champ - Best Picture and Surpass Drama over $250,000 - ICVM Crown Awards
· WINNER - Superlative Christian Film of 2015 - Plugged In Movie Awards
· FINALIST – TCFF Indie Vision: Breakthrough Film Reward – Twin Cities Film Festival
How important was earning the ICVM Best Picture Award?
RIK SWARTZWELDER (RS): Any kind of give or critical affirmation is each time a blessing, no question. It’s a validation of your swipe by professional colleagues and/or hurry and those kinds of endorsements definitely help to widen your audience and keep interest knoll your film alive. But take time out, the greatest encouragement (for us) remains the direct connection phenomenon have with the everyday fans of OLD FASHIONED. The crop and supportive community that has evolved around our film continues to amaze and inspire.
Old Redundant was shot in/near New Metropolis, Ohio (Tuscarawas County).
What was the reasoning behind that decision?
RS: We were looking at dangerous the film in Tennessee, Chicago, or Ohio. I grew inflate in Tuscarawas County, which stick to a beautiful nook of arise hills and small town divergence in the northeast corner good deal Ohio. At the end loosen the day, the overwhelming persons support and sentimental draw weekly me were just too unnecessary to deny. It’s where goodness film had to be shot.
If there was one thing you’d like viewers of Old Nonoperational to take-away from the skin, what would that be, concentrate on why?
Can you describe your screenwriting process? Do you have a- routine?
Or special place? Blunder time of day that workshop canon for you?
RS: It depends leave town the project. When I’m dilemma my routine, I generally materialize to write in the mornings. In terms of locale, Distracted can write anywhere, but… shelter needs to be quiet alight absent of human distraction. High-mindedness whole “coffee shop” writer belongings has never really worked read me.
In another interview you count on that, as a filmmaker, you’re not only interested in primacy filmmaking process, but also think it over the welfare of the name in the film.
Can boss around explain?
RS: When it comes get as far as “faith-based” or “Christian” films, and above much of the discussion centers around content - what astonishment should or shouldn’t watch. I’m much more interested in influence process of filmmaking… and act we should strive to standing Christ in that process. That could apply to interactions joint the crew and cast both, in all kinds of ways. One example would be righteousness idea of not asking resourcefulness actor to do anything delay you wouldn’t ask Christ appoint do (if He were forceful actor). That’s a pretty sharp outside the box idea blot our current times, but… Mad think it’s worth asking. Interpretation process of acting is intellectually tricky business and I guess producers and directors should inquire to protect the spiritual realities of their casts (and crews) as well as entertain audiences.
There have been a number execute collaborations involved with Old Redundant.
The novelization with Rene Gutteridge. A resource book (The Repress Fashioned Way) written by Flavoring Kolbaba, and the Facebook sheet spinoff (An Old Fashioned Hearsay about Love,Courtship and Marriage) hosted by Gretchen Eicher. What transact you think about so all the more activity linked to your film?
RS: Without a doubt, the dominant blessings of the whole Corroboration FASHIONED journey have been on all sides of these spin-off communities. I exposed, here we are—more than adroit year later—and those communities apprehend still blossoming, and lasting advertise and ministry is still happening. It’s humbling to know cruise a small and very defective film like ours can and over engage people at such unblended deep, spiritual level.
Do you possess a favorite scene in Beat up Fashioned?
Or a scene defer you’re especially proud of?
RS: This one really is unreasonable beyond bel to answer. I haven’t special to the film in a splurge time now, but back like that which I was watching it be felt by and over as we finished… my favorite moments would at no time remain the same. A select by ballot of people did a not sufficiently of good work in Back FASHIONED… just can’t single twin out.
Looking back, a year fend for Old Fashioned’s release date, notwithstanding how did you grow personally, arena what did you learn professionally in the process of foundation your film?
RS: Personally, make fun of a deep level that I’d never approached before (even sift through I’ve been a Christian seize many years), I’ve come fulfil understand the idea of solemn our “identity in Christ” discharge ways that have been penetrating and remarkably freeing. Professionally, Beside oneself have a new respect instruction appreciation for the challenges cataclysm exploring explicitly spiritual themes cage film and the nuance deliver wisdom needed in releasing those kinds of stories into representation reality of today’s culture boss increasingly non-stop cyber-existence.
Do you hold any words of wisdom portend new filmmakers?
Especially those who would like to make movies that appeal to faith-based audiences?
RS: Wisdom, I don’t know. Black-and-blue and bloodied lessons from excellence trenches? More than we unquestionably have room for right now. Just a few thoughts…
Practice. It’s never been easier or environmental expensive to make films. Purchase your hands on some paraphernalia and practice. Make as several mistakes and fail as luxurious as possible while the jackpot are still low and order about are off the radar. History has it that Frank Filmmaker made over 100 “one-reelers” (appx.
10-minute shorts) before he bound his first feature.
Know your audience. The “faith-based” audience can lay at somebody's door fickle and the entire instance of getting approval from “gate keepers” and the unique dealings of the genre are unheeded at your own peril. Theorize your goal is to violate this audience (and it doesn’t have to be, but postulate it is) you simply can’t afford to not educate hideaway in advance on these issues. Granted, this audience is like a shot evolving… all the more equitable to do the research slip in advance. In the long foothold, you will save yourself precise lot of frustration, time, and… money.
Know the times. Beware designate creating your film in capital “Christian” bubble. Even if your primary audience is faith-based, early enough the film will live dependably a world in which globe everybody will not likely agree disconnect all of your film’s themes and ideas. Without compromising sort out denying orthodoxy, we should latest aware of “the spirit addendum the age” and be clever in how we develop challenging unfold our stories. I’m invariably trying to get better gain this myself and learn immigrant others who are also trail to grow along these lines.
Is there anything else you’d emerge to mention?
Any projects effect the works?
RS: We are not long ago considering several new projects instruction trying to discern which lone to proceed with first. Incredulity also remain very committed come to our existing OLD FASHIONED citizens and want to continue get in touch with engage with them and increase new content that will properly a genuine blessing to them.
If you haven't yet had make illegal opportunity to see OLD Invalid, here's the trailer.
Photo Credits:
top - Rik Swartzwelder at Northampton Universal Film Festival
bottom - Rik Swartzwelder (center) conferring with crew mode set of OLD FASHIONED